


Opening Hours:

The opening date is in the area of June according to the date of flowering. Keep up-to-date with our website before arriving.

רמת קושי:

    משך הטיול:


        רמת קושי

          משך הטיול


                    Our products are herb-based, using herbs from the local natural habitat.

                    We are the only farm in Israel to produce organic lavender and Origanum Syriacum (Ezov).

                    All our growing fields are organic and are under the supervision of the Israeli Standard Sakal and Agrior.

                    The entire production process is carried out by us and under our close supervision – from choosing the types of plants, through planting, watering, manual weeding, and pruning, all the way to the traditional refining of the plants – everything is done with extra care and love while maintaining the quality of the plants and processes.

                    We are proud to say that our growth and production process is a zero-waste process!

                    All parts of the plant become products, the waste produced in the refining process is intended to cover the soil between the plant beds, to prevent weeds’ growth and improve the soil. Our packaging is recyclable, and we do not use plastic.

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