The Golan Trail

The Golan Trail is a marked path that stretches for 120 kilometers with breathtaking scenery. Hikers on the Golan Trail can see views of Mt. Hermon and Lake Kinneret, volcanos and reservoirs, wildflowers and archaeological sites.
The trail begins in the north on Mt. Hermon, and ends with a view of Lake Kinneret in the south; the path is marked with blue, white and green stripes. The Golan Trail has become a popular “pilgrimage hike” in recent years.

The recommended season for hiking the trail is spring, especially the months of March and April. At this time of year, the Golan is “painted” green, and wildflower blooming is at its peak.
The southern segments of the Golan Trail can be hiked in the winter (from October to February), too. Since this area is about 300-400 meters above sea level, the winters are relatively mild (except for rainy days).
The northern segments can be hiked in May, throughout the summer, and again in September.
Most of the northern segments are at a height of 1,000 meters above sea level, and the summers are relatively mild; many of the segments are heavily shaded.

The Golan Trail is divided into 15 segments of different lengths, all between 6 and 11 kilometers per segment. Each segment has a starting and ending point that is accessible by car; if there are two cars, one can be left at the end for convenience.

People still hitchhike safely in the Golan, but there is also public transportation that can help hikers at the beginning and ending of most trails.

Each segment can be hiked in a day or less, and the difficulty level is usually easy-to-intermediate. Advanced hikers can finish two segments per day (we don’t recommend hiking any more than two segments at a time).

for Golan Trail map–

For those hiking “with their homes on their backs”, the Golan Trail usually takes about 7-9 days to finish; there are free camping sites along the way.
But the Golan also offers many diverse kinds of lodgings: one can stay at a paid campsite with minimum creature comforts, or one can stay at a fancy B&B; both options can be found relatively near the trail.

For those hiking the Golan Trail, one must have an updated version of Trail Map #1 (the map with the official trails marked clearly), which is updated from time to time. Another possibility is to have an app on your smartphone that includes the same trail markings and information that are on the physical map.

While hiking in the Golan, it is absolutely forbidden to cross fences or go off the marked trail; 
in a number of places, the trail is not far from well-signed minefields (which are all marked on official maps and apps).

For more information in English on the Golan Trail, Click here




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