visitor information

The Golan is a beautiful and fascinating area that offers visitors many diverse activities and attractions all year round.

We want your experience to be fun, meaningful, and memorable, so we have prepared for you a complete list of safety rules that will help you enjoy your trip, and allow you to arrive back home safely.

Important Organizations & Businesses

Katzrin Police Department

Fire Department

Equipping and refueling

In the layout from the north of the Golan to the south, there are gas stations and parking lots for equipment (the information on them is detailed from north to south).

It is important to know – not everywhere will there be a gas station so it is important to pay attention before you run out of tank, that you will not be left without ….

Majdal Shams
Givat Yoav

(Please remember that there are only a few gas stations in the Golan; make sure you don’t get stuck without fuel!)

Merom golan
Wasset Junction
Ein Zivan
Alonei HaBashan
Had Nes
Ma’ale Gamla
Ramat Magshimim
Avnei Eitan
 Bnei Yehuda
Givat Yoav
Neot golan
Kfar Haruv 

Public Transportation

Public transportation in the Golan is run by the Golan Economic Association. Buses run daily, throughout the day, between the villages of the Golan and the nearby cities (Katzrin, Kiryat Shmona, Tiberias, etc.).

Those wanting to reach the Golan by public transportation (or use it for hiking and touring purposes) can use these buses to get from village to village and to various tourist sites. If you want to use public transportation during your trip, we recommend checking the public transportation websites before you arrive, to make sure all of the sites you’d like to see are indeed accessible.

    1. Before your trip, please make sure that the activities you’ll be doing (including hikes) will be compatible to the health and age of your family or group.
    2. Make sure the weather and topography and length of activity fits the abilities of the group.
    3. We don’t recommended bringing children on a long and difficult hike.
    4. If you are crossing water or swimming, make sure everyone knows how to swim before you begin your day. Crossing water should be done on marked paths only.
    5. Swimming is at your own risk only.
    6. When planning your trip, make sure you have finished your hike before sunset. It is forbidden to hike after dark.
    7. Make sure you have a flashlight when hiking in the afternoon hours, just in case you aren’t able to finish before dark.
    8. It is forbidden to hike in IDF Firing Zones and on any trails on Mt. Hermon (Neve Ativ and northwards), without getting express permission from the IDF. This is true even on Saturdays and holidays. IDF Firing Zones are marked on official trail maps (sold in book and camping stores). Important telephone numbers for checking paths that cross IDF areas: For paths that enter IDF Firing Zones in the Golan: 04-6977224. For paths on Mt. Hermon: 04-6966207. IDF-related emergencies: 04-6977293 (Division 36). All emergencies: Golan Regional Council Call Center: *3254. Situation Room of the Department of Education: 02-6222211.
    9. Call Centers for those planning trips: Golan Tourism, +972-4-6962885.
      Golan and Hermon Field School: +972-4-6961234.
      Midreshet Hagolan: +972-4-6678809.
      Nature and Parks Authority: *3639 (generic), Golan area: +972-4-6850664.
    1. Before hiking, make sure your cellphone battery is fully-charged.
    2. FYI: The situation in the field changes constantly, therefore we strongly recommended that – before you begin your outing – you get updated information concerning opening hours of sites, the water situation in the riverbeds, etc.
Golan Trail, Photography יאנה סוטיל
  1. Make sure you read (and follow) the instructions on local signs. Walking and driving is allowed only on specific marked trails and roads; do not drive off-road or hike off-trail.
  2. A marked trail is one that was marked by the Israel Trails Committee, and – in our area – appears on Map #1. Trails are marked by a specific color (blue, green, red, or black) with white stripes on each side. The trail colors have no connection to the character or difficulty of the trail.
  3. The Golan Trail is marked by a three-color stripe of white, blue, and green.
  4. Climbing on walls of ancient buildings is forbidden.
  5. Make sure you have clothes that are suitable for the season and the weather (i.e. many paths are thorny during the summer months; in the winter, there may be mud and large puddles, etc.).
  6. Hiking boots are recommended for hiking trails (specifically those that firmly hug the ankles), and a hat is mandatory – especially when the sun is shining.
  7. Drinking from outdoor water sources is forbidden. Every hiker must carry at least 3 liters of drinking water per day (and on some challenging hikes – more than 3 liters).

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